LLC Formation

You may choose to have us establish your limited liability company (“LLC”) in the state of your choice*** Forming an LLC involves the following process:

  1. You select the state of formation.
  2. You complete the online questionnaire.
  3. We create and file your LLC paperwork with the selected state.
  4. Upon formation we mail you your final documents which include articles of organization (in some states certificate of formation or articles of formation) and tax EIN (the tax identification number needed to open a bank account for your LLC and file tax reports).

State Fees and Processing Times for Forming LLC

Each state imposes a state fee to form  an LLC in that particular state. This fee varies from the state to state. IRA Village will have to charge the state fee in addition to charging our fee for forming the LLC.

Processing times to approve formation of the LLC varies by the state.

Click here to see state fees  and estimated processing times.

IMPORTANT.  Most states require annual renewal and you must file and pay the annual renewal each year.

Start Forming Your LLC Here

*** Most customers choose the state in which they will be conducting most of their investments or business. This is because states require registration in the state where you are investing or conducting business even if the LLC is not formed in that state.

However, if your investments have no physical presence in any state (such as Cryptocurrency investing) then you may be free to select any state. Many clients in this situation choose a state with low state fees for forming the LLC, and/or that have no annual filing requirements or publication requirements (click here to see state fees and post formation requirements). If you need guidance on this issue, please call to speak with a representative ( 877-544-5335). We can also put you in touch with an attorney from our affiliated law office.

I had been wanting to do this but was afraid that it would be too costly or complicated. This site answered all questions and I was able to communicate directly with an attorney. Thank you!

Patrice, Atlanta, GA


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